Battle of the ‘Saders Homecoming Dress-Up Days: Students must abide by dress code during special dress-up days. Appropriate themed tops and bottoms must meet dress code requirements for length and modesty.
Monday Theme: Winter vs. Summer:Mittens or Flippers? Which do you prefer?
Tuesday Theme: Battle of the Classes: Each grade will be assigned a color.
Wednesday Theme: Country vs. Country Club: Overalls or Polos? What’s your style?
Thursday Theme: My Team vs. Your Team: Show out with your favorite sports and teams!
Homecoming Community Pep Rally is Thursday at Shepherd Field in Pearl (2420 Old Brandon Rd). Tailgating begins at 5 pm and HOCO Court Parade and Crusader Performances beginning at 6 pm.
Friday Theme: Spirit Day! HOCO T-shirts and PPCA colors: Show your ‘Sader Pride! Note: this is a half day of school.
Homecoming Game is Friday at Shepherd Field in Pearl (2420 Old Brandon Rd). HOCO Court Presentation is held at halftime.