Park Place Baptist Church


Since it opened its doors in 2000, Park Place Christian Academy has been an educational and evangelical ministry of Park Place Baptist Church.

With a Biblically based curriculum, daily devotions, and weekly Chapel messages that focus on The Lord Jesus Christ, PPCA’s administration, faculty, and staff engage and instruct K3-12th grade students to see the world through a Christian viewpoint.

PPCA offers families an opportunity for their children to “be seen, known, prayed for, and cared for” while on campus or when competing in academic, artistic, or athletic arenas.

None of this could be possible if it were not for the vision, support, and leadership provided by Park Place Baptist Church (PPBC).

Although church membership to PPBC or any other church is not a requirement to attend PPCA, families are encouraged to be part of a local, Bible believing congregation.

Located on the north end of the PPCA campus, Park Place Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning church services: 9:00 and 10:30.

Livestreaming of the worship services is available during the 10:30 a.m. service via or on the church’s Facebook page:

Sunday School options are available for all age groups. Contact the church office for face-to-face and/or Zoom details or visit the church website.

There are also activities for all ages on Wednesday nights. Please see the church’s website for details.

Church Website –


Park Place Baptist Church is led by Senior Pastor, Dr. Keith Grubbs.

In addition to preaching God’s Word and equipping church members for ministry, Dr. Grubbs oversees a wonderful team of ministers and directors, who are trained to encourage, inspire, and educate preschool, children, and youth, regardless of attendance at PPCA or other area schools.


“Therefore, as you received Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7

Our Preschool/Children’s Ministry seeks to fulfill the mission statement of the church. Park Place Baptist Church glorifies God by making disciples of all nations by equipping parents to effectively disciple their children.

The two verses above summarize our desire for every child involved in the ministry at Park Place Baptist Church.

First, we desire that every child comes to receive Christ Jesus the Lord by repenting of their sin and placing their faith fully in Jesus Christ, accepting the free gift of salvation that He offers.

Once saved, we desire children to grow in biblical knowledge, love for the Lord, and obedience, becoming more and more grounded and established in the faith (rooted).

Finally, we want to be faithful to teach the truth of God’s Word and rejoice in the fruit that it produces, as God will not allow it to return void.

Matthew 28:19, Romans 10:9, Acts 2:38, Ephesians, 2:8-9, Isaiah 55:10-11.



  • CHILDREN: Jeff Jones, Associate Pastor: Children and Family Discipleship:


Link to Preschool/Children’s Ministry


The Park Place Baptist Church Student Ministry exists to:

  • inspire young people with a passion to follow CHRIST,
  • foster in them a love of the CHURCH,
  • equip them to carry out the Great COMMISSION, and
  • empower them to make a lifelong COMMITMENT to the Lord.



PPBC leaders are available to assist PPCA in its endeavor to counsel, educate, and guide children and youth into vibrant, maturing relationships with The Lord Jesus Christ.

Weekly chapel messages are developed by PPBC staff to communicate God’s Word in meaningful and understandable ways for PPCA’s K3-12th grade students.

PPCA students and families are often invited to attend (or digitally take part in) special events designed to strengthen family life and/or develop or deepen personal spiritual relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Preschool, children, and youth activities are made available to PPCA students regardless of their church affiliation. PPBC’s ministers direct PPCA students to interact with their family’s personal church leadership but remain available to assist families in their moments of crisis such as illness, hospitalization, death or times of joy such as salvation experiences and/or full immersion baptisms.

Often present on campus, PPBC’s full staff of ministers and directors are trained and ready to assist young people in understanding the Bible and deep theological issues such as Salvation:

“Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man and is offered freely to all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense, salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.”





VISIT or MAIL:        
Park Place Baptist Church
5701 Highway 80 E.
Pearl, MS 39208